Passion for Polymers: A TSE Blog

TSE’s blog, A Passion for Polymers, helps us to build corporate awareness, foster trust in the products and services we manufacture, and create an outlet for us to share information and strengthen relationships with YOU, our current and prospective customers.

The ‘S’ in C.A.S.E: Understanding Sealants

In the realm of specialty chemicals, the acronym C.A.S.E represents Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants, and Elastomers. Each plays a vital role in various industries. These components are essential in creating durable products that withstand harsh environments and provide...

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TSE Specialty Chemical Tolling Expansion

Two new large batch reactors now online to meet growing specialty chemical tolling demand.In response to a growing demand for reactive hot melt adhesives, prepolymers, and gel elastomers, TSE recognized the need to expand its production capabilities. To meet this...

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Choosing a Millathane® Grade?

Struggling to choose the right Millathane® millable polyurethane grade but unsure where to start? Let’s begin by discussing what Millathane is and how manufacturers produce it. Millathane emerges as a reaction product of a diisocyanate, a polyol, and a chain extender....

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Reuse and Recycle

After fabricating millions of pounds of Acetal, Nylon, Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) polyethylene, and other plastic materials for our customers, TSE Industries takes charge of its leftovers. Scraps from our Plastic Fabrication and Machining division don’t sit...

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Which Engineered Polymer Do I Choose?

What type of engineered polymer do I need to use? This question has been asked by almost all of our customers. To answer the question effectively, we first need to narrow it down to your exact needs. For instance, some of the questions we ask center around the product...

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The ‘A’ in C.A.S.E: Understanding Adhesives

In the world of specialty chemicals, the acronym C.A.S.E represents Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants, and Elastomers. These encompass a diverse range of materials vital for various industries. Adhesives, often referred to as glue, cement, or paste, are essential...

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Creating a Workforce Pipeline

TSE has been actively involved in the Tampa Bay community, partnering with organizations that promote the benefits of starting a career in manufacturing. To celebrate Manufacturing Month last October, we chose two groups creating a vital pipeline of job candidates for...

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Choosing a Millathane® Grade?

Struggling to choose the right Millathane® millable polyurethane grade but unsure where to start? Let’s begin by discussing what Millathane is and how manufacturers produce it. Millathane emerges as a reaction product of a diisocyanate, a polyol, and a chain extender....

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Reuse and Recycle

After fabricating millions of pounds of Acetal, Nylon, Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) polyethylene, and other plastic materials for our customers, TSE Industries takes charge of its leftovers. Scraps from our Plastic Fabrication and Machining division don’t sit...

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Which Engineered Polymer Do I Choose?

What type of engineered polymer do I need to use? This question has been asked by almost all of our customers. To answer the question effectively, we first need to narrow it down to your exact needs. For instance, some of the questions we ask center around the product...

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Community Partnerships

For more than 20 years, TSE has built community partnerships that support our hiring needs and create a diverse workforce. These programs also strengthen our community efforts. Dedicated advocates work tirelessly to connect individuals with services and generate real...

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Creating a Workforce Pipeline

TSE has been actively involved in the Tampa Bay community, partnering with organizations that promote the benefits of starting a career in manufacturing. To celebrate Manufacturing Month last October, we chose two groups creating a vital pipeline of job candidates for...

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The Heart of TSE

Celebrating American Heart Month February was about more than Valentine's Day at TSE! We celebrated American Heart Month along with the American Heart Association to raise awareness in our community on heart disease and stroke. Team TSE started out the month strong...

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Community of Giving

Tis' the season of giving, and this holiday TSE would like to share how programs within the state of Florida are giving back to the manufacturing industry. We have partnered with two organizations that do so much for us as a company and the community as a whole....

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A Virtual Tour: This Is Who We Are

With nearly 60 years of experience in the world of polymers, TSE Industries understand the ins and outs of the industry. We also have a tremendous passion for what we do. As 2020 began, we found ourselves in the grips of a pandemic. It quickly became clear that our...

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